Middle & high school can be a crazy time. Metro Student Ministry  is here to help students navigate through all the craziness by entering into a life-changing relationship with their Creator. We want to assist parents in leading students to KNOW the love of Christ, GROW in their relationship with Him, and SHOW others His love through their life and testimony.


Sundays, 9:30 a.m.

Middle and high school students follow a pattern of upward, inward, and outward development in their Bible Study Groups. Our leaders work to lead the students in applying the greatest commandment of loving God and loving others.

6th - 12th, meet upstairs in the gym building


Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.

Our Wednesday night gathering is broken down into four sections:  worship time, large group session, small groups, and hang time all  geared just for students. The middle and high school lessons are tailored for their specific needs.

6th - 12th, meet upstairs in the gym building


year round

We have great activities throughout the year to help build a sense of community with our students. Some of our student favorites include Where's Waldo, Destination Unknown, Camp, Summer Hangouts, Sounds games, and more!

Stay tuned to you can join us for our next outing!

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For more information, contact Stephen Canter.